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Ultrasound Therapy FAQs

Stanfield Chiropractic

Although many people only associate chiropractic care with adjustments, did you know your chiropractor near me can also use advanced therapies to improve your health and wellness? Ultrasound therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses sound waves to promote healing and pain relief. Stanfield Chiropractic in Ocala, FL, often includes ultrasound therapy in our treatment plans to enhance the results of our chiropractic care. We are here to answer frequently asked questions about ultrasound therapy to help you understand the power of this treatment.

What Is Ultrasound Therapy?

Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to increase blood flow in injured areas. High-frequency sound waves get delivered through a handheld device and penetrate deep into soft tissues. Doing this helps massage your muscles from the inside out. The thermal effect of ultrasound therapy can improve blood flow, reduce stiffness, and promote tissue healing. The vibrations of the sound waves can also cause massage-like movements within targeted tissue to ease inflammation.

How Does This Work With Chiropractic Care?

While we can use ultrasound therapy as a standalone treatment, our chiropractor usually includes this technique in a comprehensive treatment plan. Pairing ultrasound therapy with other chiropractic techniques promotes joint healing and improves circulation to the soft tissues. Ultrasound therapy helps expedite your healing process and makes correcting misalignments easier.

Will Ultrasound Therapy Help Reduce My Pain?

One of the primary reasons to use ultrasound therapy is pain reduction. Muscle strains and other soft tissue injuries often benefit from ultrasound therapy since it improves blood flow to the affected areas. Doing this significantly reduces pain and improves your body’s natural healing ability. While long-lasting results may take multiple treatments, ultrasound therapy can help you move pain-free again.

Can I Get My Range of Motion Back?

Another benefit of using ultrasound therapy is improved range of motion. Healing your injured or damaged soft tissues enables your body to move more freely again. You also regain comfortable movement without pain. Relaxing muscle tension and reducing inflammation significantly improves mobility and flexibility.

Visit Your Chiropractor Near Me in Ocala, FL, to Feel Your Best Again

Ultrasound therapy is a non-invasive way to alleviate several musculoskeletal issues and restore your range of motion, so contact Stanfield Chiropractic in Ocala, FL, to experience the benefits of ultrasound therapy today. Call us and schedule a consultation at (352) 873-7563 to feel and move like you used to again.