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What Is a Fat Loss Laser and How Does it Work?

A fat loss laser, also known as non-surgical liposuction or cold laser therapy, is a non-invasive procedure used to reduce fat in targeted areas of the body. It is an alternative to traditional liposuction surgery and does not involve incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. Instead, it uses low-level laser energy to break down fat cells and stimulate the body's natural fat-elimination process. We offer chiropractic adjustments and Zerona Z6 fat loss laser weight loss to help people meet their weight loss goals. Visit Stanfield Chiropractic in Ocala, FL, to receive the necessary help today.

How Can Our Chiropractor Help with Weight Loss?

Our chiropractor can support your weight loss journey by addressing various factors impacting your weight and overall health. We can help with diet and exercise to improve your physical condition. Our adjustments can help with muscles and joints, leading to better activity. Chiropractic massage can also help you maintain an exercise program.

How Does the Zerona Z6 Fat Loss Laser Work?

Unlike traditional surgical methods, the Zerona Z6 is a non-invasive treatment. The treatment uses a cold laser to target problem areas and eliminate them safely. Preparing for the treatment generally takes less than an hour. You only need to stay hydrated, eat healthy, and practice healthy habits.

Our technician typically spends about 20 minutes on your front and 20 on your back during this treatment. The laser creates pores in your fat cells, allowing your body to process and eliminate the fat cells naturally. The Zerona Z6 uses low-level laser technology to stimulate the release of stored fat from fat cells, resulting in fat reduction and improved body contour.

Schedule an Appointment with Us Today!

Fat loss laser therapy can be a valuable option for individuals seeking a non-surgical approach to reduce stubborn fat and improve body contour. If you're interested in this treatment, schedule a consultation with a certified provider to discuss your concerns and explore the possibilities of a fat loss laser treatment. Stanfield Chiropractic in Ocala, FL, can answer any questions and offer a program that has worked for many. Call us at (352) 873-7563 for an appointment.